Industry Paper Competition

Industry Paper Competition Eligibility Requirements:

Papers eligible for the Industry Paper Competition are those that describe, in contrast to basic research, a pracitical design or measurement procedure, a realizable integration technique, a process of enhancement and/or combination thereof that results in significant improvements in the performance and/or robustness of an antenna or electromagnetic related product or system. An eligible paper can also present the application of an antenna/EM technology/technique to a system that significantly benefits the AP society and community at large.

To qualify for consideration in the Industry Paper Competition, at least one of the authors must be affiliated with a corporation or private company. Collaborative work between industry and research intitutions (government and/or universities) is acceptable.

Industry Paper Competition Submission Requirements, Review Process and Award:
  1. All authors wishing to participate in the competition are required to follow the regular IEEE AP-S Symposium paper submission process.
  2. In the submission process, the box marked Industry Paper Competition must be checked.
  3. To be considered, the submission must describe work as mentioned above and at least one of the authors/contributors must be from industry. Collaborative work between industry and research institutions (government and/or universities) is acceptable.
  4. Industry Paper Competition submissions will be reviewed by the Technical Paper Review Committee in the same manner as all other paper submissions.
  5. To be considered for the IP Competition, the paper must be presented at the conference.
  6. Final judging will be performed by a specially formed committee of experts.
  7. A prize will be awarded to the authors of the paper judged best in the category during the conference. In addition, a free advertisement in Antennas and Propagation Magazine for the author's company will be given.