Submit a Paper

The paper submission deadline for the 2025 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting has been extended to 27 January 2025. No further extension will be given beyond this date.

The extended deadline does not apply to the student paper competition. The deadline for SPC papers is 20 January 2025.

General Submission Information

All paper and abstract submissions must be received in PDF format via this web site on or before Monday, 27 January, 2025 (23h 59m at International Date Line; UTC-12 hours); this is equivalent to 6h 59m am 28 January, 2025 Eastern US Time. This is a firm deadline. Papers will not be accepted after this date. Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be accepted. Please consult this web page for the latest instructions, templates, and format examples. Please do not include page numbers on submitted documents. All papers must be written in clear, idiomatic English. Papers that are not presented at the conference (i.e. no-show papers) will be excluded from IEEE Xplore (they will be removed from the proceedings before the proceedings are submitted to IEEE Xplore). Address all AP-S and URSI correspondence, including inquiries concerning papers, the technical program, and copyright forms, to

Paper Submission Guides
All Submissions

For an accepted paper to be listed in the technical program, one of the authors of the paper must be registered. Authors may only register against a maximum of 2 papers. If an author has received acceptance for more than 2 papers it is recommended that a co-author registers against those papers to limit the number of presentations required by the same author. Each author/co-author must register separately. In the event that this is not possible due to funding or visa issues, another registered attendee must be identified to serve as presenter.

The language of the symposium is English. Each document that you submit (one-page abstract or 2 page paper for URSI; or 3-4 page summary for AP-S) should be formatted exactly as indicated in the corresponding template. (The templates are already written with the correct formatting, so replacing the text in the templates with your own text is an easy way to use the templates.) Please do not include page numbers on your submitted documents.

A signed (electronically) IEEE copyright form or URSI Publication Agreement must accompany all submissions. Papers submitted without copyright forms will be rejected. Instructions for electronically signing and submitting copyright forms can be found under "Steps for Submission" below.

Papers that are not presented at the conference (i.e. no-show papers) will be excluded from IEEE Xplore (they will be removed from the proceedings before the proceedings are submitted to IEEE Xplore).

AP-S Submissions


IMPORTANT CHANGE: AP-S papers MUST be 3-4 pages in length.
  • Must be a minimum of 3 pages and maximum of 4 pages in length, including text, references, and figures.
  • The content of the 3-4 page paper should substantially fill up the pages—Do not make it much shorter than 3 full pages.
  • Must be in IEEE 2-column format.
  • Authors may optionally choose not to include the paper in IEEE Xplore.
  • The introduction of the paper should clearly indicate the unique aspects of the submission and how it relates to previous work.

By default, 3-4 page papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. Authors may optionally choose not to include the paper in IEEE Xplore.

Templates for 3-4 Page AP-S Submissions

The format of the author/affiliation ​section of the templates has changed this year. Authors must use the updated 2025 templates. Templates from past years are out of date and should not be used.
URSI Submissions


IMPORTANT CHANGE: Both 1-page and 2-page URSI submissions can be included in IEEE Xplore, if indicated during paper submission.
  • May be either in one-page, single column format or in 2-page, 2-column format.
  • Submissions that are one page in length must be formatted in a single column.
  • Submissions that are two pages in length must be formatted in IEEE 2-Column format using the AP-S templates.
  • Authors may optionally choose not to include the paper in IEEE Xplore.
  • Submissions that are one page, but in 2-column format, will be automatically rejected.
  • Submissions that are two pages, but in single-column format, will be automatically rejected.

URSI authors should choose between a one-page abstract or a two-page summary for each ​submission. Submitting both formats for the same paper is not allowed.

Templates for 1-Page URSI Submissions

The format of the author/affiliation ​section of the templates has changed this year. Authors must use the updated 2024 templates. Templates from past years are out of date and should not be used.

Templates for 2-Page URSI Submissions

The format of the author/affiliation ​section of the templates has changed this year. Authors must use the updated 2024 templates. Templates from past years are out of date and should not be used.
AP-S Student Paper Competition

To foster active involvement of students and to ensure a future membership of highly qualified researchers in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, the Society sponsors a Student Paper Competition at its annual Symposium. The complete Rules and Guidelines are available here. Questions about the competition should be e-mailed to the 2025 AP-S Student Paper Competition Coordinators (

If you wish to participate in the student paper competition, check the appropriate box during the submission process so that you will be prompted to upload all of the required documents.

Industry Paper Competition

Papers eligible for the Industry Paper Competition are those that describe, in contrast to basic research, a pracitical design or measurement procedure, a realizable integration technique, a process of enhancement and/or combination thereof that results in significant improvements in the performance and/or robustness of an antenna or electromagnetic related product or system. An eligible paper can also present the application of an antenna/EM technology/technique to a system that significantly benefits the AP society and community at large.

More information on the Industry Paper Competition web page.

If you wish to participate in the industry paper contest, check the appropriate box during the submission process.

Special, Celebratory and Focused Sessions

To encourage paper submissions and dialogue relating to special topics of interest to the conference attendees, the conference will include a collection of special and celebratory sessions. Information on special and celebratory sessions is available herewill be posted here soon. If you are submitting a paper to a special or celebratory session, make sure to select the appropriate session during the submission process.

Special Sessions
Additive Manufacturing for High Gain and Wideband Innovative Antennas, Arrays, and Feeding Network
Advanced 5G and Beyond: Communication and Channel Modeling
Advanced Phased Arrays in Ground Terminals and Ground Stations for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Communication Systems
Advances in AI and Data-Driven Metasurface and Metamaterial Design
Advances in Antenna Measurement Techniques and Emerging Applications
Advances in High Power Microwave Antennas: Transitioning to Next-Generation Technologies
Advancing Sustainable Agriculture with Electromagnetic Innovations
Artificial Intelligence and Bio-Inspired Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics
Defense Antenna and Metasurface Composites for Advanced Joint Communication and Sensing
Emerging Technologies for Biomedical Applications
In Memory of Gary Thiele
Millimeter-Wave, Sub-THz and Upper-Midband Channel Sounding with Phased-Array Antennas
Polarization surfaces for next-generation communications systems
Professor Lotfollah Shafai: A Pioneer in Modern Antennas
Quantum Technology Related to Electromagnetics
Recent Advancements in Modeling, Inverse-Design and Measurement Techniques for Time-Modulated Electromagnetic Systems
Celebratory Sessions
Focused Sessions

Authors are also encouraged to submit papers on the following focused sessions. Please, submit your paper as regular paper by using the suggested AP-S/URSI topic and contact the proposer(s) if you are willing to submit a paper in focused sessions.

Title Proposer Email Suggested AP-S/URSI topic
Physics-assisted learning and optimization techniques for Inverse Problems Martina Teresa Bevacqua,, AP-S AP-S.5.44: Inverse scattering and imaging
URSI C.2: Computational imaging and inverse methods
Non-destructive sensing and imaging: From mm to optical waves Maria Antonia Maisto, AP-S AP-S.5.44: Inverse scattering and imaging
URSI B.2.7: Imaging, inverse scattering, and remote sensing
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing of Antennas and Microwave Components for Sensing and Communication Applications Gaetano Marrocco, AP-S AP-S.6.52: 3D printed antennas and structures
URSI D.10: IoT and RFID antennas, circuits, and systems
Challenges, advances and future trends on emerging applications of Radar Imaging Guillermo Alvarez-Narciandi,, AP-S AP-S.6.50: Antennas on platforms and in specialized environments
URSI C.5: Radar systems, target detection, localization, and tracking
New Paradigms in Electromagnetic Identification and sensing Cecilia Occhiuzzi, AP-S AP-S.6.53: RFID antennas and systems
URSI C.6.1: Internet of Things
Non-LTI Electrically Small Antennas Carl Pfeiffer, AP-S AP-S.6: Antenna Applications and Emerging Technologies
URSI B.1 Antennas
Inverse Design of Antennas, Arrays and Metasurfaces Qi Wu,, AP-S AP-S.4.37: Optimization methods in EM designs
Novel Physical Layer Technologies for Covert Communications Fikadu Dagefu, AP-S AP-S.2.18: Reconfigurable and adaptive antennas and arrays
URSI B.1.2: Antenna arrays and systems
Antennas for Planetary Exploration Avinash Sharma URSI B.1 Antennas
New Applications of Characteristic Mode Analysis to Antenna System Design Buon Kiong Lau, AP-S AP-S.4.29: Computational electromagnetics
Antennas and associated techniques for RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems Mohammad Hashmi,, AP-S AP-S.6.54: Wireless power transmission and harvesting
Next-Generation Antenna Technologies for New Space Satellite Communications and Beyond 5G Karu Esselle,, AP-S AP-S.6.49: Satellite antennas
URSI B.1.4: Antenna feeds and reflector and reflectarray antennas
Rays and Beams in EM Theory and Applications Ludger Klinkenbusch,, AP-S AP-S.4.30: High-frequency and asymptotic methods
URSI B.3.11: Computational electromagnetics, analysis, and optimization

Submit your Paper

Steps for Submission

  1. Create your manuscript using the templates above.
  2. Proofread your manuscript.
  3. Create a PDF version of your manuscript. There are numerous utilities and operating systems for free PDF creation.
  4. Submit a NEW submission (Follow prompts)

  5. Submit a REVISION OR UPDATE to an EXISTING submission (Any type)

  6. Check status of a submission (Any type)

    After uploading your paper, you will be directed to the IEEE Electronic Copyright system, which will walk you through electronically signing the appropriate IEEE copyright form.

  7. A computer generated E-mail is immediately sent to the designated contact authors to provide feedback on a successful submission.

Submission Flow-Chart

Do you already have a Paper Number?

A Paper Number is a 4-digit or 5-digit number.

Revise an Existing Submission

Is your submission an IEEE AP-S Paper, or an URSI Paper?

Are you entering the AP-S Student Paper Competition?

Start an AP-S Paper Submission

Be sure to have your Publish-ready 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper ready.

Publish-ready 2-Column, 3-4 Page AP-S Paper
Start an AP-S Paper Submission

Is your URSI submission a 1-page (single-column) abstract, or a 2-page, 2-column paper?

Start an URSI 1-Page Abstract Submission

URSI Abstracts cannot exceed one page in length, including text, references, and figures. The introduction of the paper should clearly indicate the unique aspects of the submission and how it relates to previous work. During submission, you may choose whether or not you would like your paper to be included in IEEE-Xplore.

Be sure to have your Publish-ready 1-column, 1-page URSI Abstract ready.

Publish-ready 2-Column, 2-Page AP-S Paper
Start an URSI 1-Page Abstract Submission

Start an URSI 2-Page Paper Submission

All USRI 2-page papers must be submitted in the IEEE standard two-column conference format. Papers cannot exceed two pages in length, including text, references, and figures. The introduction of the paper should clearly indicate the unique aspects of the submission and how it relates to previous work. During submission, you may choose whether or not you would like your paper to be included in IEEE-Xplore.

Be sure to have your Publish-ready 2-column, 2-page URSI Paper ready.

Publish-ready 2-Column, 2-Page AP-S Paper
Start an URSI 2-Page Paper Submission

AP-S Student Paper Competition Submission

Be sure to have ALL of the required files ready.

Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, NO AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be judged for the SPC. You need BOTH this anonymized paper, AND the publish-ready non-anonymized paper.
Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, WITH FULL AUTHOR LISTING AND REFERENCES Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be published in the proceedings, if accepted. You need BOTH this publish-ready paper, AND the anonymized paper.
For consideration in the student paper competition, the student must be the only student author and must be first author on the paper. The primary advisor of the student must submit an attestation that the paper is eligible for the competition.

Do you have ALL of the required files ready?

AP-S Student Paper Competition Submission

Collect the required documents, then return to this page.

Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, NO AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be judged for the SPC. You need BOTH this anonymized paper, AND the publish-ready non-anonymized paper.
Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, WITH FULL AUTHOR LISTING AND REFERENCES Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be published in the proceedings, if accepted. You need BOTH this publish-ready paper, AND the anonymized paper.
For consideration in the student paper competition, the student must be the only student author and must be first author on the paper. The primary advisor of the student must submit an attestation that the paper is eligible for the competition.

AP-S Student Paper Competition Submission

Be sure to have ALL of the required files ready.

Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, NO AUTHOR-IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Blind, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be judged for the SPC. You need BOTH this anonymized paper, AND the publish-ready non-anonymized paper.
Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper, WITH FULL AUTHOR LISTING AND REFERENCES Publish-ready, 2-column, 3-4 page AP-S Paper This document will be published in the proceedings, if accepted. You need BOTH this publish-ready paper, AND the anonymized paper.
For consideration in the student paper competition, the student must be the only student author and must be first author on the paper. The primary advisor of the student must submit an attestation that the paper is eligible for the competition.